Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Movies: (FUCKINnnnnnn) Predators

So I might not have a television and could be regarded as living in the stone age but shit....when big movies, especially the blockbusters, I usually know about it somehow.

Surprisingly I haven't heard jack shiz about the new Predators film. It was only by seeing another fellow facebookers post about Predators comming out that I heard the surprising news of the film.

Needless to say, I was excited. Being a longtime Predator and Alien fan anything that has to do with either of them usually excites me. I was the weird kid playing Alien and Predator on the playground while the other kids were playing with GI Joes. Hah! However like most people I was a little dissapointed with the Alien VS Predator franchise. It had some real potential. Instead of following the lovely comics put out for many years before the films were made...they chose to go an entirely different route. A fucking PG13 route, give me a break. Keep Predators 'R' ! The second film has its moments when we saw it return to a more ALIENS-esque straight gore film. Hell I even liked Predator 2 (which I know is blasphemy to most Predator fans).

Anyway back to the subject at hand. Predators, I am excited and I will tell you why. Robert Rodriguez wrote it. He also produced it. Although he didn't direct the film (some dude named Nimrod directed it. Thats a tough gig), I've been doing my homework on what Rodriguez is trying to achieve with this film. First and foremost I like how Rodriguez openly admitted that there will never be a Predator better than Shwarzenegger's original Predator story. So as a result, he knew that the best thing to do was work backwords. In other words, do an origins story.

Rodriguez films can be hit or miss for me personally. Loved Desperado, hated Planet Terror. Loved the first half of Dusk Til Dawn, hated the second half...and so on. I think with this film hes got his head on straight though. It sounds like hes like one of us, a Predator fan. Apparently he also wrote the most extravagant gore, action, crazy scenario screenplay for the film because at the time he was just keeping himself busy, obligated to write a script for the film company before he had to direct some other film after Desperado.

Long story short, hes right....there will never be a better Predator then the first one. But knowing that before you walk into the theater I think is something everyone should take as caution before seeing a sequel, or prequel I should say.
Seeing it tomorrow hopefully, crossin my fingers. Don't blow this one Rodriguez.

The redband trailer looks for some real fun, Predator fan or not. Lets just hope its nothing like Spy Kids.
All Murder, All Guts, All Fun.
-Emperor Vampirion

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